Sunday, November 16, 2008


For couple of days i have been watching and surfing the channels that came on my Cable and when ever i pass through B4U Music, Zoom and 9X I come to see that they constantly play music for the upcoming movies.
Well If u watch B4U Music channels you may come to know that they constantly play very erotic dances from the movies, just short clips not the whole song and keep on playing different and different music reviews from new movies but the interesting part is that a viewer will only be exposed to the erotic dances in the movie giving the viewer a very different kind of attraction, the kind which would keep him engaged all day as clips are played in a very random order to keep the viewers attracted
Zoom is also a music channel which is newer than B4U Music but have a different theme, it plays songs that are hit on the music charts, but the interesting part is that only those music and songs are played that have erotic attractions and have items G in them. Sexy Item girls dance on this channels along with the erotic songs from different movies either hit or flop keep the viewer engaged the whole day. It also chooses the songs in a random order.
Lastly 9X this is a new addition in the channels list and newer than the both the previous channels, it have a very different idea from both the two channels, it gives the user the joy of watching the erotic concerts that are held in indian entertainment industry. both the sexes can enjoy equally as dancers are selected on the bases of there physical attraction for both male and female viewers equally. Music is taken from the sinking movies and are played with erotic and fancy dresses.
These channels are very popular among teenagers, students, wives who spend there leisure time in order to get informed about the new upcoming music and surprisingly among young infants viewing the contents sitting or playing right next to there mothers.
Moral of the post is not to provide information on the contents of these channels but to bring the attention of the kind viewers and readers to the motive of these channels and to awaken the user and get them aware and inform that these channels are not for there entertainment but to blow of there moral values and abolish the shame and respect of the opposite sex. As soon as the respect of the opposite sex is turn into frustation which is being transformed in the shape of televirus by these channels will inshallah very badly turn down the social infrastructure of our society in the near future.
So the final paragrah is a request to all the brothers and sisters very young and very old that kindly wake up. Wake up not for your selves but for your new generation give them not the frustation of these channels but the hormony of ISLAM our beloved religion, which is there to abolish the frustation and enlighen the hearts of its follower with hormony and delight. Wake Up.........

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