Sunday, November 9, 2008

Television Past And Present

The Television as it is a very important and common source of entertainment among all the ages in a family, people use to sit in front of it in the evening in the form of group and watch a common entertaining channel or program to spent time with there family.

keeping this in view the TV channels in the past us to create family programs and film industries use to keep this point of view in mind. Senscor board was active. Ethical values were more important than earnings. The programs were so compliled in a way that opposite genders and different age groups can get entertained at the same time without getting offended. I am not talking about the era of the media in the stone ages or in 18th century, but back just five or six year.

But speaking about the current situation it is extremely impossible to view a TV programs with the family especially under age childern although the TV programs are not rated but I feel under 18 it is unappropriate to view TV. dont get me confused with local and foreign channels, dear reader, I am talking about the local pakistani channels. The drams which used to reflect our idealogical culture and values are just trying to influence our society with the modern hip hop culture and just expoliting the tender minds of the young generation.
PTV according to the nation which was a primary source of entertainment way back four to five years is a boring and forward channel button. GEO, ARY one world and indus etc are getting in the fame light and interestingly non of them are aired directly from Pakistan.
These new channels are the change catalyst of our society and sorry to seeing there contents I have come to the decision that they are the ones responsible for changing our culture and introducing the Mr Musharraf modern society the society that have no values no respect and more over no religion.

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